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The Outsider, by Will Beckers

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The Wanderer

The Wanderer, “Der Findling”, Kunstferein & Stiftung Springhornhof Neuenkirchen, (Art Park and Foundation), Germany, 2018 ​ During my residency at the Springhornhof domain, in the area of the Luneburgerheide, my fascination for stones and rocks resurfaced. ​ As a "Collector" of peculiar stones I was surprised by the large amount of boulders within the nature reserve. These “Findlings”, or boulders, were moved up to hundreds or thousands of kilometers by landslides ten thousand years ago when the earth was covered with ice. ​ During my long walks I traced textures from the surfaces of the boulders. Using only paper and charcoal I managed to create beautiful rhythmic surface divisions. These were often barely visible to the naked eye, but intrinsically and individually show how the rock was formed. ​ Even then, when we did not know the word migration, it already happened on a large scale within Nature. Nature has been migrating for millions of years, constantly looking for better places and moving in rhythmic evolution. ​ The migration process became a hot item as a theme within the Art World. "The Wanderer" project and the "DNA" project in Beringen BE originated from this movement. ​ The words written on the CorTen steel skin of the sculpture: "Die DNA des findlings ist in dir" – “The DNA of the Wanderer is in you” is indicative of the conceptual approach. ​ Client: Art Park and Foundation SPRINGHORNHOF, Neuenkirchen Curator: Bettina Von Dziembowski Funding: European Commission Photography: Bettina v. Dziembowski
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