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Salt, Dead Sea, Israel 2014 ​ At the invitation of the Industrial Design Academy Bezalel from Jerusalem, I worked on a project as Artist in Residence with a team of final year students at the Dead Sea. This mystical location inspired me to build a symbolic bridge between Israel and Jordan. ​ The conceptual approach of the art installation "Salt" was a search for old craftsmanship methods of the local area. The project was designed with the team during the sessions of workshops biomimicry, prior to my lecture "Designed by Nature" at the Bezalel academy. ​ The folly or hermitage, reflects the shelters that the Nomads built during their migration through the deserts around the Dead Sea. Using organic materials that were common at the time, such as Ailanthus altissima, we used traditional methods to create the sculpture. ​ Client: Design academy Bezalel Jerusalem Curator: Ido Bruno Funding: JBG Jerusalem In co-operation with: Final year students of Bezalel Industrial Design Academy, Jerusalem Photography: Ido Bruno and Tomer Shemi
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