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Mo Cuishle
Mo Cuishle
Biënnale Noordwijk , Holland 2023
Nature is calling - finding new horizons “Mo Cuishle” My World, My Love.
Finding a symbiosis between Art, Nature and the landscape, the art work reflects our inner self. It is as if the inner work has partly shed its skin out of sight of the viewer. Like a life-sized carcass, a kind of fossil, the invisible core exudes a transience that echoes between the freedom of the rhythmically placed rings. It seems as if this descended alien cocoon wants to make it clear to us that nature is a very sensitive entity. Something mysterious, of which we are not yet aware.
Will Beckers shows us the birth, the growth processes, but also the transience within his installations and bio sculptures. It shows the downside of climate change. An awareness that will not let go of him.
Intrinsically, this image evokes similarities with the shape of a tulip bulb or daffodil bulb. A stratification that makes us reflect on the national product of this region.
Client: Biënnale Noordwijk
Curator: Sandrine van Noort, Pam Vis-Feijtes
Engineering office: BC Design
Photography: Pam Vis-Feijtes
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