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Floriade 2022
World Expo Floriade, Almere, Holland 2022
Based on the principles of Growing Green Cities, five different art works were developed on the site of the Utopia Island, Almere.
Horn of wishes
The project is based on the simple and basic principle of shouting your inner wish for Nature out into the world. The importance of creating awareness about our environmental issues is specifically aimed at the younger generation. In collaboration with the theatrical group “De Bonte Hond” children are encouraged to think about sustainability and eco-friendliness. The message is strong and clear - Save the world by means of your deeds.
The look out
"The Look out” is integrated into the whole concept of a 100 metre long sculpture like a look out. The artwork grants a view of the city of Almere, highlighting the contrast from the green Utopia Island and the city of Almere in the distance.
This artwork invites visitors to take a moment to rest and admire the sculpture from the banks of the water. It is made of hundreds of corten steel plates, which are rhythmically connected to each other. The conceptual growing inner core of the work will embrace the steel structure in time.
The worm hole
Will Beckers has created a work that mimics the underground world of a worm. He recreates the path a worm has to take, always feeling roots against its body. The visitor walks through a dark and half underground tunnel to experience this perspective. Students from Van Hall Larenstein helped to construct the structure on site.
Green wave in collaboration with students from Van Hall Larenstein Academy in Velp, Holland.
Nanja Van der Heiden's winning work, was chosen from an end of year design competition of students from the Van Hall Larenstein Academy. The design was inspired by the location’s Zuiderzee history and depicts a wave coming from the sea and growing as a green wave on land.
The project was supervised by and completed with the assistance of Will Beckers.
Client: Floriade Expo 2022
Curator: Sandra van Beers, Art and Cultural director
Engineering office: BC Design
With Collaboration from: Students from VHL, winning project by Nanja Van der Heiden.
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